Is the endless blather about the big debate between Biden and Trump a classic much ado about nothing?

Every four years, political prognosticators bleed an ocean of digital ink in the lead up to the election cycle’s much ballyhooed presidential debates, only to tell us afterwards that none of it mattered in any event, nor do such things usually matter.  Will this time be different? Every four years, political prognosticators bleed an ocean… Continue reading Is the endless blather about the big debate between Biden and Trump a classic much ado about nothing?

Meet the “NEETs,” a new acronym to describe how Generation Z remains hopelessly adrift

“Not in employment, education, or training,” that is those who are doing absolutely nothing with their lives, neither productively working nor preparing for their future.  After two decades of being told all they could not do, the spark of life has gone out, drowned by those who believe failure is our birthright.  Generation Z, born… Continue reading Meet the “NEETs,” a new acronym to describe how Generation Z remains hopelessly adrift

Now that it’s almost official, is Trump versus Biden round two really the race that no one wants?

The truth is that every Presidential candidate short of George Washington has their strengths and weaknesses, and in this particular election both of the candidates are older than most would like, but otherwise, the differences between these two disparate men end there. It’s an often repeated refrain:  A rematch between current President Joe Biden and… Continue reading Now that it’s almost official, is Trump versus Biden round two really the race that no one wants?

2024 might make 2020 seem like an ordinary year

2024 will be defined by a confluence of events most of which remain completely unpredictable, far more so than most years in modern memory.  Call it the quantum mechanics or Schrödinger’s cat of years, where we will not know what happens until the waveforms collapse into history. 2020 was considered an extraordinary dumpster fire of… Continue reading 2024 might make 2020 seem like an ordinary year

Taming the budget the Calvin Coolidge way

The budget is an out of control beast, but this isn’t the first time elevated spending combined with massive inflation to threaten the economy. The Constitution gives the President the tools today as it did in the 1920s. All that’s missing is the will to do it the Coolidge way, cutting everywhere you can and… Continue reading Taming the budget the Calvin Coolidge way

2023: A year of continued questions and some possible answers

The new year begins with the feeling that little was resolved last year.  The topics that dominated the conversation from political polarization to the war in Ukraine continue apace without resolution.  2023 should finally begin to provide some answers domestically, internationally, and politically. Future historians might look back on 2022 and identify it as a… Continue reading 2023: A year of continued questions and some possible answers

November: The bloodbath for Democrats will be more fitting for Game of Thrones

Summer hopes of a Democrat resurgence have faded into fall’s much colder grip and the reality of the coming bloodbath is beginning to set in.  The result is a President lashing out at a huge segment of the population and the media trying to spin a narrative of success out of abject failure.  Voters are… Continue reading November: The bloodbath for Democrats will be more fitting for Game of Thrones

Joe Biden is President George Costanza, every instinct he has is wrong

President Biden and the Democrats are poised to pass the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act to much fanfare in the mainstream media, but once upon a time even President Barack Obama knew the last thing you wanted to do was increase taxes in the middle of a recession.  This is Biden’s fourth round of stimulus… Continue reading Joe Biden is President George Costanza, every instinct he has is wrong

Biden’s “don’t believe your lying eyes” messaging strategy

Joe Biden is no Bill Clinton.  The former President was a masterful retail politician, able to connect with voters personally, and empathize directly with their needs.  From gas prices to the overall economy, the current President prefers to deny the reality happening before our very eyes. President Bill Clinton was famous for his ability to… Continue reading Biden’s “don’t believe your lying eyes” messaging strategy

Joe Manchin: Slayer of planets and Democrat dreams all over again

Some shows are better in reruns, so it was last week when Senator Joe Manchin stood alone against his own party once again, stopping the insanity of increasing taxes and regulations in a period of rampant inflation and slowing economic growth.  Both are the precise opposite of what economics demands, but Democrats are increasingly unmoored… Continue reading Joe Manchin: Slayer of planets and Democrat dreams all over again