The entire Biden Presidency is an outrage encapsulated in one Special Counsel report

President Biden is only in office because of endless lies and double standards, an outrage that occurred because of corruption and deceit at the highest levels of American life and continues because no accounting of any kind has occurred. 

Last Thursday, Special Counsel Robert Hur, who had been charged with investigating President Joe Biden’s possession of classified documents, released what is perhaps the most disturbing report concerning a Chief Executive in United States history, so unusual and damning that there is no comparison of any kind.  As part of the investigation, Special Counsel Hur interviewed President Joe Biden personally, questioning him about the classified documents discovered in his home and other locations to determine if a crime had been committed in either retaining the materials in the first place or how they might have been accessed in the interim.  The conclusion reached after these interviews wasn’t surprising to anyone who has watched the President closely in recent years, but the details remained shocking, describing a man who could not remember key details about this personal and professional life.  Professionally, “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’).”  His “memory [also] appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he ‘had a real difference’ of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.”  Personally, “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died,” and generally speaking, he displayed “diminished faculties and [a] faulty memory.” As a result, the Special Counsel concluded that President Biden had committed a clear cut crime, having “uncovered evidence that Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” material including “marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods,” but he recommended against prosecution only because the President “would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”  In other words, the President of the United States has been deemed incompetent to stand trial by his own Justice Department after a year long investigation.  Simply put, this is completely unprecedented, nothing like it having occurred across forty four prior Presidents.  The phrase “uncharted waters” is frequently overused, but rarely has it been more applicable.

Not surprisingly, the President himself responded with a unique combination of reveling in the exoneration at not having been charged and outrage as to why he wasn’t charged, as if the alternative was not the prosecution, likely delayed while he was in office, of a sitting Chief Executive.  The President’s legal team immediately responded claiming, “We do not believe that the report’s treatment of President Biden’s memory is accurate or appropriate.  The report uses highly prejudicial language to describe a commonplace occurrence among witnesses: a lack of recall of years-old events.”  His allies made similar claims, insisting that the report was political, while completing disregarding that everything President Biden said or didn’t say was on the record and cited directly in the report itself, making it impossible to dispute the overall claim that he failed to remember these basic facts.  “Hur knew exactly what he was doing here,” Stephanie Cutter, a veteran Democratic operative, posted on X. “To provide political cover for himself for not prosecuting, he gratuitously leveled a personal (not legal) charge against the president that he absolutely knows is a gift to Trump. And, guess what we are all talking about?”  The President himself sensed the potential for a crisis and took to a podium in the White House to address the American public and the press that same evening, angrily and downright bitterly insisting that he is mentally fit and ready to serve.  “My memory’s fine. My memory’s – take a look at what I’ve done since I became president,” he said dripping with an odd sarcasm considering he has the lowest approval numbers of any President in almost two decades. “How did that happen? I guess I just forgot what was going on.”  When asked by a reporter why recent polls show Americans in general are extremely concerned about this age and mental acuity (as many as 86% in a poll taken over the weekend), he barked “That is your judgment” as if the reporter themselves made the claim.  The President took particular ire with Fox News’ Peter Doocy, who is one of the few journalists with a history of asking tough questions of this Administration.  “I’m well-meaning, I’m an elderly man, and I know what the hell I’m doing.  My memory is so bad I let you speak,” he practically screamed.  The President, perhaps not without good reason, was particularly indignant about the reference to his failure to remember the year his son died.  “There’s even a reference that I don’t remember when my son died.  How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought, ‘It wasn’t any of their damn business.’”  Afterwards, he teared up in what might well have been a touching moment, but ultimately ended up the political equivalent of pouring gas on a fire when he couldn’t remember a detail he himself said was crucially important to him.  He referred to a rosary he wears around his wrist in honor of his son, held his wrist up for the assembled journalists to see, said it was “a rosary from the church of…” and then simply trailed off, clearly forgetting the church where he received the rosary.  Later, he referred to the President of Egypt as the President of Mexico, saying “Initially, the president of Mexico, Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in.”

The combined result was enough for even CNN’s Stephen Collinson, long a Biden advocate posing as an analyst to claim, “Biden appeared fired up and passionate. But at the same time, his angry demeanor and an event which appeared to quickly spin out of his control, with reporters shouting questions as he struggled to interrupt, may have ended up exacerbating the very questions about his age that it was meant to dispel.”  In the aftermath, some conservatives seem to believe the report and subsequent developments – including the President claiming he had conversations with two dead leaders in the same week – would be a seismic shift in the political landscape leading up to the election later this year.  Clearly, here was the proof – written by the President’s own Justice Department – that he was mentally in decline and unfit to serve, and surely no one would want a man who cannot remember when he was Vice President to have his finger on the nuclear button.  Unfortunately, it took less than twelve hours for that to prove a misplaced hope.  In fact, the press conference was barely over before Biden-friendly outfits such as The New York Times were claiming President Biden struck back at the Special Counsel, citing how “fiery” and forceful he was.  Even Fox News’ Peter Doocy, who was personally attacked by the President, bizarrely claimed that he “did what he needed to do” via a press conference to demonstrate his mental acuity during which he suffered from two lapses of memory.  It was as if a drunk attempted to provide his sobriety by taking a couple of drinks rather than a dozen.  At the same time, the report and the aftermath does manage to illustrate why the entire Biden Presidency is an outrage without equal perpetrated on the American people and why supporters of former President Trump remain so committed to a man many in the establishment feel has been irredeemably disgraced, perhaps more so than any single development so far.  Somehow, a single document combines both the obvious double standard of justice that has prevailed since Trump took his fateful glide down the escalator in 2015 and the blatant lies and deceit that have supported President Biden since he was a candidate himself, a literal blueprint for why most in America no longer trust the establishment in general and how this establishment really feels about the American people.

First, the report makes it clear beyond any doubt that the President has committed a crime, a crime which President Trump is currently being prosecuted for while Biden will not face any charges or repercussions at all.  In many ways, President Biden’s crime is far worse, contrary to popular opinion and most media reporting on the matter.  He removed the documents while he was a Senator and Vice President with no legal authority over classified information.  He stored these documents at an unsecure facility, moving them several times.  He disclosed the contents to an author working with him on his memoir and the reporter ultimately deleted the records of the conversation.  He was aware these documents were classified and subject to government control via the records act, but did nothing to disclose their existence until he had no choice once President Trump was subjected to an unprecedented FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago and was singled out for prosecution.  There were also far more documents retained than he originally suggested, scattered across far more locations, and he along with his lawyers repeatedly misled the American people about the extent of the problem, how it was discovered, and what steps were taken.  These are all now clearly documented facts, about which we have been repeatedly lied to by both the Administration and the mainstream media.  There are those, of course, who continue to insist President Trump’s situation was somehow worse, and while everyone is entitled to their opinion, two things are relevant independent of your personal feelings or political leanings.  First, the Special Counsel report makes clear beyond any doubt that President Biden committed a crime whatever the situation with Trump.  Arguing who is worse is irrelevant, like suggesting one serial killer is somehow better than another because he was caught after five victims instead of ten.  President Trump, however, will face prosecution while Biden will not – as Hillary Clinton did not despite outright deleting some 30,000 emails subject to the same records retention standards.  This is the double standard of justice made plain in print, undisputable for all to see, and it remains nothing short of an outrage even on its own.  At the same time, this outrage is only possible because of another, closely related one that has allowed the double standard to continue for so long, helped elect President Biden in the first place, and keeps him in office to this day, possibly propelling him to a second term.  It is perhaps insidious and subtle, but no less reprehensible, combining both another monstrous double standard and a level of deceit not seen in American politics in decades.

I mentioned earlier that Critics of President Biden were not surprised by Special Counsel Hur’s findings because this is the President we observe on a daily basis, a man in obvious decline who can rarely make it through public appearance without a lapse in memory, a long pause to gather his thoughts, slurred words, bizarre non sequiturs, or weird flashes of anger, sometimes all of the above in a single speech.  Special Counsel Hur has confirmed our worst fears, documented them in an official government report, and simultaneously used those findings as a means to avoid prosecution, but there is no doubt that the White House press corp, broader members of the press in general, the President’s advisors, and top Democrats are all more than well aware of the President Biden’s mental state and have chosen to lie about it for political purposes.  The President didn’t suffer some sudden stroke or health issue that suddenly impacted his performance.  He has exhibited many of these signs since before taking office and has only gotten worse from there.  It is impossible to believe anyone who has observed him in action over the past three years is unaware of his decline, especially considering the broader American public has been expressing concerns about it via polling and other methods, but rather than openly and honestly report that the President is unfit for office, they have pretended everything is normal – and even continue to do so.  In the wake of Special Counsel Hur’s report, Democrat allies of the President rushed to insist that none of us should believe our lying eyes and attack the messenger, protecting the President with a stream of lies as they have for years now.  “It’s like, ‘No, he’s fine,’” Democrat Representative Annie Kuster said. “Most people don’t get an hour with him. He’s sharp. He’s doing fine.”  “I’ve known [Biden] for 30 years,” explained campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu on Sunday.  “I have met with him personally, I’ve met with him with two people, five people, 10 people. I have been on trips with him crisscrossing the country, rebuilding America based on this incredible infrastructure bill that was passed. And I’m telling you, this guy’s tough. He’s smart.”  As summarized it, “This isn’t just allies covering for a president at a tough moment. Dozens of officials, aides and others who have spent time with Biden in private have told CNN over the last three years that they find him to be completely on top of things.”

Of course, this is very, very hard to believe, that somehow Biden is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde figure, like the old Phil Hartman Saturday Night Live routine about Ronald Reagan, who plays an amiable dunce that can barely put together a coherent sentence in public, but in private, is some kind of mastermind.  They provide no evidence of this, impart no details on anything President Biden has said or done that would indicate this is the truth.  Instead, they just expect us to trust them, after they’ve been covering for him for three years if not longer, once again revealing their belief that the American people are so ignorant they can say whatever they like and we will behave like trained seals. Some have even gone so far to suggest we cannot effectively evaluate the President’s with special training, as if most of us have not seen a loved one decline in their own lives and cannot see the signs.  Thus, the Special Counsel’s report was followed by no in depth analysis of the President’s precarious mental state, no summaries of the many, many times he has displayed cognitive issues, no reporting on what actually happens in private, no leaks, no anonymous sources, no interest at all in the truth.  Likewise, there were no calls to invoke the 25th Amendment, no discussions on whether President Biden is truly fit to carry out his duties for almost another year, nothing of the sort.  One needn’t even mention how radically different the reaction would be if the same report was issued about President Trump, who was facing calls to be removed from office since before he got into office.  “The 25th Amendment is a concept that is alive every day in the White House,” explained Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, on NBC’s Meet the Press in 2018. “White House officials have strongly denied this–but, as ever, the President himself has managed to keep the issue alive by tweeting about his mental stability.”  Now, however, confronted with an official document that essentially finds a sitting president is not competent enough to stand trial, the usual suspects are completely silent. This is because they are all complicit in perpetrating the greatest frauds on the American public in history.  The entire Biden Presidency is a lie and always has been, an outrage that only occurred because of corruption and deceit at the highest levels of American life and only continues because no accounting of any kind has occurred.  No accounting, unfortunately, will ever occur, and only the American people can end this disaster once and for all come November, proving they are not as ignorant as the establishment believes.

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