Donald Trump and the creation of pseudo-crimes

The great historian Daniel J. Boorstin coined the phrase “pseudo-events” to describe the modern contrivances between politicians and the press that have the semblance of news but remain artificial and choreographed.  Welcome to the era of “pseudo-crimes” where there is no underlying criminal act, only an endless investigation with the sole purpose of an indictment,… Continue reading Donald Trump and the creation of pseudo-crimes

Biden’s budget is why the debt ceiling exists in the first place

The debt ceiling debate takes a strange turn after President Biden demands something of a duel among budgets without realizing that his own $6.9 trillion monstrosity, which would more than double the entire budget of just six years ago, is why the debt ceiling exists in the first place. Earlier this week, the Republican Speaker… Continue reading Biden’s budget is why the debt ceiling exists in the first place

Debt ceiling: Get ready five months of nonsensical bloviating over our insane finances

The names of the politicians in Washington change, but the debt and the debt ceiling keep on increasing at an almost exponential rate, over a monstrous $30 trillion.  Some, however, continue to insist that raising the debt ceiling is just a routine vote that should be accomplished without question, while others claim the idea of… Continue reading Debt ceiling: Get ready five months of nonsensical bloviating over our insane finances