No, Hunter’s conviction doesn’t mean justice remains blind in America, not when the Justice Department continues to protect President Biden in plain view

Ultimately, it is a positive sign that justice is finally being served in the sordid case of Hunter Biden, but the idea that this is proof positive that justice remains impartial in America says more about the media than anything else. Hunter Biden’s conviction on felony gun charges earlier this week immediately prompted the mainstream… Continue reading No, Hunter’s conviction doesn’t mean justice remains blind in America, not when the Justice Department continues to protect President Biden in plain view

A President’s son is charged, a President himself continues to lie, the media remains half asleep, and where it ends, no one knows

Three years ago The New York Times, CNN, and others pretended there was nothing out of the ordinary with Hunter receiving millions of dollars without providing any work product or paying any taxes. Now, he faces serious jail time. Whether or not this reaches the President himself remains to be seen. Last week, the President’s… Continue reading A President’s son is charged, a President himself continues to lie, the media remains half asleep, and where it ends, no one knows

To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question

Impeachment is rapidly becoming the talk of the town among Congressional Republicans, who believe an inquiry alone will provide answers to pressing questions, but there are many reasons to believe the plan could backfire, big time. Late last week, a Republican Congressman from Florida, Greg Steube, filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden over… Continue reading To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question