No, Hunter’s conviction doesn’t mean justice remains blind in America, not when the Justice Department continues to protect President Biden in plain view

Ultimately, it is a positive sign that justice is finally being served in the sordid case of Hunter Biden, but the idea that this is proof positive that justice remains impartial in America says more about the media than anything else. Hunter Biden’s conviction on felony gun charges earlier this week immediately prompted the mainstream… Continue reading No, Hunter’s conviction doesn’t mean justice remains blind in America, not when the Justice Department continues to protect President Biden in plain view

Biden’s budget is as demented as he is

“This poor kid is down a hundred-foot vessel, chimney, scraping the hydrogen bubbles off of the inside,” the President told the Special Counsel.  “And he was wearing the wrong pants, wrong jeans, and he—a spark caught fire...and he lost part of his penis and one of his testicles and he was 23 years old.”  This… Continue reading Biden’s budget is as demented as he is

The entire Biden Presidency is an outrage encapsulated in one Special Counsel report

President Biden is only in office because of endless lies and double standards, an outrage that occurred because of corruption and deceit at the highest levels of American life and continues because no accounting of any kind has occurred.  Last Thursday, Special Counsel Robert Hur, who had been charged with investigating President Joe Biden’s possession… Continue reading The entire Biden Presidency is an outrage encapsulated in one Special Counsel report