No, Jerry Seinfeld isn’t controversial and the media shouldn’t be pretending otherwise

Mr. Seinfeld becomes living proof that everything and anything needs to be constantly reevaluated according to our ever changing standards of moral decency, and anyone who expresses an opinion of any kind even remotely at odds with those standards will find themselves facing either cancellation criticism or forced irrelevance.  At the risk of stating the… Continue reading No, Jerry Seinfeld isn’t controversial and the media shouldn’t be pretending otherwise

This Christmas, celebrate the magic of the moment

You might not ever be gathered with the same people in the same place, not next year, not ever.  So this Christmas, sever yourself from the past and the future, stop calculating everything, and simply enjoy it.  It may seem like a bad dream only two short years later, but the experts recommended we cancel,… Continue reading This Christmas, celebrate the magic of the moment