The media applies the impossible Biden standard of evidence to Israel

Underground tunnels beneath a hospital? Hostages taken through a hospital? Weapons caches inside a hospital? Where have we seen this impossible standard of evidence before?  When no evidence of any kind is ever enough? The big news over the past few days as been the humanitarian pause or cease-fire if you prefer in exchange for… Continue reading The media applies the impossible Biden standard of evidence to Israel

Where there’s the smoke of scandal, there’s the fire of corruption except for President Biden

Under normal circumstances, a politician repeatedly lying about something, forget abruptly changing policies on his own, would suggest – at a minimum – they have something to hide, but somehow, for some unstated reason, none of that is supposed to apply to President Biden. President Joe Biden’s supporters have adopted a curiously obtuse perspective, one… Continue reading Where there’s the smoke of scandal, there’s the fire of corruption except for President Biden