Meet the “NEETs,” a new acronym to describe how Generation Z remains hopelessly adrift

“Not in employment, education, or training,” that is those who are doing absolutely nothing with their lives, neither productively working nor preparing for their future.  After two decades of being told all they could not do, the spark of life has gone out, drowned by those who believe failure is our birthright.  Generation Z, born… Continue reading Meet the “NEETs,” a new acronym to describe how Generation Z remains hopelessly adrift

Socialism, crime, Dostoyevsky, and the more things change

The root causes of crime have been debated for centuries. A classic example phenomena comes from renowned author and thinker, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, whose words written over 150 years ago ring as true today as perhaps ever before.  “Crime is an abstract term that means nothing in a lot of ways,” explained a young progressive named… Continue reading Socialism, crime, Dostoyevsky, and the more things change